Peleg WADSWORTH, Congress, MA (1748-1829)


WADSWORTH, Peleg, a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Duxbury, Mass., May 6, 1748; attended public and private schools, and was graduated from Harvard College in 1769; engaged in mercantile pursuits in Kingston, Mass.; served in the Revolutionary Army as an aide to Gen. Artemas Ward in 1776; engineer under General Thomas in 1776 and 1777; brigadier general of militia in 1777; adjutant general of Massachusetts in 1778; moved to Portland, Maine (then a district of Massachusetts), in 1784 and became a land agent; served in the Massachusetts senate in 1792; elected to the Third Congress and reelected as a Federalist to the six succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1807); moved to Oxford County, Maine, in 1807 to survey and improve a large tract of land granted to him by the Government; died in Hiram, Oxford County, Maine, November 12, 1829; interment in the family cemetery at Wadsworth Hall.


Wadsworth, Peleg.Letters of General Peleg Wadsworth to His Son John, Student at Harvard College, 1796-1798. Biographical Chapter and Notes by George and Margaret Rose. Portland, Maine: Maine Historical Society, 1961.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present