
1810 - 1890

菲利普·托马斯·弗朗西斯马里兰州的众议员兼参议员当选人;1810年9月12日出生于马里兰州塔尔伯特县的伊斯顿;就读于伊斯顿的学院,毕业于宾夕法尼亚州卡莱尔的狄金森学院。, 1830年;学习法律;1831年获得律师资格,并在马里兰州伊斯顿开始执业;1836年州制宪会议代表;1838年、1843年和1845年担任州议会代表;当选为民主党第二十六届国会议员(1839年3月4日- 1841年3月3日);1840年拒绝成为重新提名的候选人;恢复法律执业; Governor of Maryland 1848-1851; judge of the land office court of eastern Maryland; Comptroller of the United States Treasury 1851-1853; collector of the port of Baltimore, Md., 1853-1860; United States Commissioner of Patents from February 16 to December 10, 1860; appointed Secretary of the Treasury in the Cabinet of President Buchanan and served from December 10, 1860, to January 11, 1861; again a member of the State house of delegates in 1863; presented credentials as a Senator-elect to the United States Senate for the term beginning March 4, 1867, but was not seated; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-fourth Congress (March 4, 1875-March 3, 1877); declined to be a candidate for renomination in 1876; unsuccessful candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1878; again elected a member of the State house of delegates in 1878 and 1883; delegate to the Democratic State convention in 1883; resumed the practice of law in Easton, Md.; died in Baltimore, Md., October 2, 1890; interment in Spring Hill Cemetery, Easton, Md.
