
1780 - 1850
1819 - 1829

约翰逊、理查德·导师(詹姆斯·约翰逊[1774-1826]和约翰·特勒马科斯·约翰逊的弟弟,罗伯特·沃德·约翰逊的叔叔),肯塔基州众议员和参议员,美国副总统;出生于âBeargrass,â,肯塔基州杰斐逊县。1780年10月17日,在路易斯维尔现址附近;就读于公立学校和肯塔基州列克星敦的特兰西瓦尼亚大学;学习法律;1802年获得律师资格,并在肯塔基州的Great crossing开始执业;1804-1806年和1819年担任州众议院议员;当选为第十届及之后五届国会的民主党共和党人(1807年3月4日- 1819年3月3日);索偿委员会(第十一届国会)、陆军部支出委员会(第十五届国会)主席;他被任命为肯塔基志愿军上校,并于1813年指挥一个团在加拿大南部与英军交战; elected as a Democratic Republican to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John J. Crittenden; reelected as a Jackson Republican (and later Jacksonian) and served from December 10, 1819, to March 3, 1829; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1829; chairman, Committee on Post Office and Post Roads (Nineteenth and Twentieth Congresses); elected to the Twenty-first and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1829-March 3, 1837); chairman, Committee on Post Office and Post Roads (Twenty-first and Twenty-second Congresses), Committee on Military Affairs (Twenty-second through Twenty-fourth Congresses); was chosen Vice President of the United States by the Senate on February 8, 1837, no candidate having received a majority of the electoral vote, and served under President Martin Van Buren from March 4, 1837, to March 3, 1841; member, State house of representatives 1850; died in Frankfort, Ky., November 19, 1850; interment in the Frankfort Cemetery.


