
1913 - 1994
1950 - 1953

理查德·尼克松Milhous曾任美国副总统和第37任总统;1913年1月9日出生于加州奥兰治县的约巴林达;上过公立学校;1934年毕业于加州惠蒂尔学院,1937年毕业于北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的杜克大学法学院;同年获得律师资格并在加州惠蒂尔开业;1942年1月至1942年8月,华盛顿特区应急管理处律师;在第二次世界大战期间从1942年8月到1946年1月在美国海军服役,并作为上尉退伍;作为共和党人入选第80届和第81届国会,任期从1947年1月3日开始,直到1950年11月30日辞职;当选为参议员,任期自1951年1月3日起;随后被任命填补谢里丹·唐尼辞职引起的空缺,并从1950年12月1日起担任副总统,直到他于1953年1月1日辞职; elected Vice President of the United States on the Republican ticket with Dwight Eisenhower on November 4, 1952, for the term beginning January 20, 1953; reelected Vice President of the United States in 1956, and served from January 20, 1953, until January 20, 1961; unsuccessful Republican nominee for President of the United States in 1960; resumed the practice of law in Los Angeles and New York; unsuccessful Republican nominee for Governor of California in 1962; elected President of the United States in 1968 and inaugurated January 20, 1969; reelected in 1972, and inaugurated January 20, 1973; resigned August 9, 1974, during impeachment proceedings against him in the House Judiciary Committee arising from matters surrounding the ‘Watergate’ affair; accepted pardon from President Gerald R. Ford, September 8, 1974; was a resident of New York City, and later Park Ridge, N.J., until his death in New York City, April 22, 1994; interment on the grounds of the Richard Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, Calif.


