
1801 - 1877

罗伯特·戴尔·欧文,印第安纳州众议员;1801年11月7日出生于苏格兰格拉斯哥;在私人教师的指导下学习,并于1820年至1823年在瑞士伯尔尼附近的Hofwyl就读伊曼纽尔·冯·费伦伯格学校;1825年随父母移民到美国,父母在印第安纳州波西县定居;他帮助父亲在印第安纳州建立了一个名为新和谐的社会团体,这个计划失败后,他回到欧洲继续深造;1827年回到美国,成为美国公民;是1828-1832年在纽约出版的《自由问询者》的创始人和编辑;1832年回到新哈默尼;1835-1838年州众议院议员;1838年第26届国会和1840年第27届国会的落选候选人; elected as a Democrat to the Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Congresses (March 4, 1843-March 3, 1847); chairman, Committee on Roads and Canals (Twenty-eighth Congress); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1846 to the Thirtieth Congress; member of the State constitutional convention in 1850; member of the State house of representatives in 1851; appointed by President Franklin Pierce as Chargé dâAffaires to the Two Sicilies May 24, 1853, and Minister Resident June 29, 1854, serving until September 20, 1858; devoted the remainder of his life to writing on social problems; died at his summer home âCosy Cove,â at Crosbyside, on Lake George, N.Y., June 24, 1877; interment in the Village Cemetery at Lake George, Warren County, N.Y.


艾略特,约瑟芬M.,编辑。罗伯特·戴尔·欧文的《旅行日记》,1827年。印第安纳波利斯:印第安纳历史学会,1977;利奥波德,理查德·威廉。《罗伯特·戴尔·欧文传。剑桥,质量。:哈佛大学出版社,1940。再版,纽约:Octagon Books, 1969;潘斯科,埃丽诺和安妮·e·林肯。无可救药的理想主义者:罗伯特·戴尔·欧文在美国。布卢明顿,印第安纳州:原理出版社,1940。
