
1828 - 1919

罗杰·阿特金森,弗吉尼亚州众议员;1828年7月19日出生于弗吉尼亚州丁威迪县彼得堡附近;1845年毕业于弗吉尼亚州的汉普登-西德尼学院,1848年毕业于夏洛茨维尔的弗吉尼亚大学;学习法律;1849年获得律师资格,在彼得堡执业了很短一段时间,但由于身体不好而放弃了法律;1852年担任《华盛顿联盟》的编辑,1854年担任《里士满问询报》的编辑;1854年被任命为美国驻希腊特别公使;1857年返回并建立了南方;与华盛顿州的工作人员联系在一起;作为民主党人当选为第36届国会议员,以填补威廉·o·古德去世造成的空缺,任期从1859年12月7日至1861年3月3日; during the Civil War served in the Confederate Army as a colonel in 1861 and brigadier general in 1863; later resigned his commission and reenlisted as a private soldier; member of the Virginia Confederate House of Representatives; captured by the Union troops in November 1864 and confined in Fort Lafayette, but soon afterward was released; moved to New York City and practiced law 1866-1890; delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1876; judge of the court of common pleas of New York 1890-1894; justice of the New York Supreme Court 1894-1899; retired upon reaching the age limit; appointed official referee by the appellate division of the supreme court April 10, 1912, and served until his death in New York City March 14, 1919; interment in Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, N.J.


