
1721 - 1793
1791 - 1793

谢尔曼,罗杰(塞缪尔·霍尔和西缅的岳父鲍德温,祖父威廉Evarts,罗杰·谢尔曼鲍德温乔治傅强恩灰白色和埃比尼泽罗克伍德霍尔,曾祖父罗克伍德霍尔和谢尔曼灰白色的曾曾祖父亨利·谢尔曼Boutell great-great-uncle昌西m .位于纽约州迪普市),一个委托,代表,还有一位来自康涅狄格州的参议员;出生于马萨诸塞州牛顿市, 1721年4月19日;和父母一起搬到了马萨诸塞州的斯托顿(现在的坎顿)。, 1723年;上过公立学校;学会了鞋匠的手艺;1743年迁至康涅狄格州的新米尔福德;1745年纽黑文县的测量师;学习法律;1754年获得律师资格并开始练习; member, Connecticut assembly 1755-1756, 1758-1761, 1764-1766; justice of the peace for Litchfield County 1755-1761, and of the quorum 1759-1761; moved to New Haven, Conn., in June 1761; justice of the peace and member of the court 1765-1766; member, State senate 1766-1785; judge of the superior court 1766-1767, 1773-1788; member of the council of safety 1777-1779; Member of the Continental Congress 1774-1781, and 1784; a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of the committee which drafted it; member of the committee to prepare the Articles of Confederation; the only Member of the Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of 1774, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federal Constitution; mayor of New Haven from 1784 until his death; delegate to the Federal Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787; elected to the First Congress (March 4, 1789-March 3, 1791); elected to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of William S. Johnson and served from June 13, 1791, until his death in New Haven, Conn., July 23, 1793; interment in Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven (formerly known as New Haven City Burying Ground).


美国传记词典;隆美尔,约翰·G。康涅狄格的爱国者:罗杰·谢曼.哈特福德:康涅狄格州美国革命二百周年委员会,1980年;科利尔,克里斯托弗。罗杰·谢尔曼的《康涅狄格:洋基政治和美国革命》.康涅狄格州米德尔敦:卫斯理大学出版社,1971年;Gerbr, Scott D. <罗杰·谢尔曼与人权法案>政体28(1996年夏季):521-540。
