
1823 - 1885

COLFAX,斯凯勒一位来自印第安纳州的众议员和一位美国副总统;1823年3月23日生于纽约市;上过普通学校;1836年随父母移居印第安那州的新卡莱尔;1841年被任命为圣约瑟夫县副审计员;成为《印第安纳州日报》的立法通讯记者;购买了南本德自由出版社的股份,并于1845年将其更名为圣约瑟夫谷纪事报,这是北印第安纳州的辉格党机关报;1850年成为州制宪会议成员;辉格党在第三十二届国会选举中落败的候选人;作为共和党人当选为第34届国会议员和随后的6届国会议员(1855年3月4日至1869年3月3日); chairman, Committee on Post Office and Post Roads (Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses); was not a candidate for renomination in 1868, having become the Republican nominee for Vice President; Speaker of the House of Representatives (Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth, and Fortieth Congresses); elected Vice President of the United States on the Republican ticket headed by Gen. Ulysses Grant in 1868, was inaugurated March 4, 1869, and served until March 3, 1873; unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1872, owing to charges of corruption in connection with the Credit Mobilier of America scandal; lecturer; died in Mankato, Blue Earth County, Minn., January 13, 1885; interment in City Cemetery, South Bend, Ind.


