Steny Hamilton Hoyer,大会,MD(1939)


Hoyer,Steny Hamilton是马里兰州的代表;1939年6月14日出生于N.Y的纽约市;毕业于苏德兰高中,卫浴,MD。1957年;B.S.Maryland大学,大学公园,1963年;J.D.,Georgetown University Law Center,华盛顿州D.C.,1966年;律师,私人惯例;马里兰州州参议院成员,1966-1979和1975年至1979年总裁;1978年至1981年马里兰州州董事会成员;代表民主国家公约,1968年,1974年,1976年和1984年;elected as a Democrat to the Ninety-seventh Congress, by special election to fill the vacancy created by H. Res. 80, which declared United States Representative Gladys Noon Spellman’s seat vacant due to an incapacitating illness, and reelected to the fourteen succeeding Congresses (May 19, 1981-present); chair, House Democratic Caucus (One Hundred First through One Hundred Third Congresses); minority whip (One Hundred Eighth, One Hundred Ninth, and One Hundred Twelfth Congresses); majority leader (One Hundred Tenth and One Hundred Eleventh Congresses).
