
1743 - 1826

托马斯杰斐逊,(托马斯·曼·伦道夫和约翰·韦尔斯·埃普斯的岳父),弗吉尼亚州代表,美国副总统和第三任总统;1743年4月13日出生在弗吉尼亚州的沙德威尔(今弗吉尼亚州阿尔伯马尔县);上过预备学校;1762年毕业于弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡的威廉玛丽学院;学习法律;1767年获得律师资格并开始执业;1769-1775年殖民地下议院议员;大陆会议成员,1775年和1776年;1776年独立宣言起草委员会主席、主要作者和签署人;弗吉尼亚州长(1779-1781年); member, State house of delegates 1782; again a Member of the Continental Congress, 1783-1784; appointed a Minister Plenipotentiary to France in 1784, and then sole Minister to the King of France in 1785, for three years; Secretary of State of the United States in the Cabinet of President George Washington, 1789-1793; elected Vice President of the United States and served under President John Adams, 1797-1801; elected President of the United States in 1801 by the House of Representatives on the thirty-sixth ballot; reelected in 1804 and served from March 4, 1801, to March 3, 1809; retired to his estate, âMonticello,â in Virginia; active in founding the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.; died at Monticello, Albemarle County, Va., July 4, 1826; interment in family cemetery at Monticello.


美国国家传记;美国传记词典;托马斯杰斐逊,。托马斯·杰斐逊文集。由朱利安p博伊德等人编辑。27卷。到目前为止。普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,1950-。马龙,小仲马。杰斐逊和自由的磨难。波士顿:小布朗,Co., 1962。


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