
1832 - 1888

杨,托马斯·劳瑞,俄亥俄州众议员;1832年12月14日出生于爱尔兰唐郡的基利利;1847年随父母移民美国;1848年3月25日至1858年1月28日,他作为一名音乐家加入了美国陆军,并通过军衔晋升为第三炮兵a公司的第一中士;在辛辛那提定居,并在州立改造学校担任教官;内战期间,1861年9月6日任密苏里志愿军本顿军校队长;1861年12月10日辞职;1862年9月17日任俄亥俄州志愿军第一百一十八团少校;1863年4月17日,中校;1864年4月11日; resigned September 14, 1864; was graduated from the Cincinnati Law School; was admitted to the bar in 1865 and commenced practice in Cincinnati, Ohio; assistant city auditor of Cincinnati in 1865; member of the State house of representatives 1866-1868; elected recorder of Hamilton County in 1867; appointed supervisor of internal revenue in 1868; delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1868; member of the State senate 1871-1873; Lieutenant Governor in 1875; Acting Governor of Ohio in 1877; elected as a Republican to the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1879-March 3, 1883); chairman, Committee on Patents (Forty-seventh Congress); unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1882; resumed the practice of law; member of the board of public affairs of Cincinnati 1886-1888; died in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 20, 1888; interment in Spring Grove Cemetery.
