
1860 - 1926
参议员任职年限:1913 - 1919

维克斯,约翰·温盖特,(辛克莱·威克斯的父亲,埃德加·威克斯的表弟),马萨诸塞州众议员和参议员;1860年4月11日出生于新罕布什尔州兰开斯特附近;就读于普通学校;教会学校;1881年毕业于马里兰州安纳波利斯的美国海军学院;1881年至1883年在美国海军担任海军军官候补生;1883年从海军退役,从事土木工程和测量工作;1885年至1888年,他搬到佛罗里达,担任奥兰多消防部门的首任局长;1886年至1887年在杰克逊维尔担任佛罗里达南方铁路的土地专员;回到马萨诸塞州,1888年至1914年在波士顿从事银行和经纪业务; served in the Massachusetts Naval Brigade 1890-1900, acting as commander the last six years; moved to Newton, Mass., in 1893; member of the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy in 1896; served in the Spanish-American War as a lieutenant in the Volunteer Navy 1898; member of the board of aldermen of Newton 1899-1902; mayor of Newton 1902-1903; elected as a Republican to the Fifty-ninth and to the four succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1905, until his resignation effective March 4, 1913, to become United States Senator; chairman, Committee on Expenditures in the Department of State (Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth Congresses), Committee on Post Office and Post Roads (Sixty-first Congress); elected as a Republican to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1913, to March 3, 1919; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1918; chairman, Committee on the Disposition of Useless Executive Papers (Sixty-fifth Congress); appointed Secretary of War by President Warren G. Harding in 1921, and again by President Calvin Coolidge, and served until 1925, when he resigned due to ill health; died in Lancaster, N.H., July 12, 1926; remains were cremated and the ashes interred in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

