William Brockman Bankhead,国会,al(1874-1940)


潘海德,威廉布罗克曼(约翰·霍利斯班轮的儿子John Hollis Bankhead 2D的兄弟和沃尔特叔叔都将钞票)是阿拉巴马州的代表;生于莫斯科,拉马尔县,阿拉。,1874年4月12日;出席了乡村学校;于1895年毕业于阿拉巴马大学,托斯卡罗萨,1893年,从华盛顿州华盛顿州乔治城大学法学院;同年被送往酒吧,并在亨茨维尔,阿拉省开始练习。1900年和1901年的代表州代表议员;亨茨维尔城律师,1898-1902;搬到了贾斯珀,沃克县,阿拉,1905年,继续做法;1910年至1914年阿拉巴马州第十四司法回路的律师;1914年六十四届大会提名不成功的候选人; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-fifth and to the eleven succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1917-September 15, 1940); chairman, Committee on Rules (Seventy-third Congress); majority leader (Seventy-fourth Congress), Speaker of the House of Representatives (Seventy-fourth to Seventy-sixth Congresses); delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1940; died on September 15, 1940, in Washington, D.C.; funeral services were held in the Hall of the House of Representatives; interment in Oak Hill Cemetery, Jasper, Ala.


