
1753 - 1825

威廉·尤斯蒂斯马萨诸塞州众议员;出生于马萨诸塞州坎布里奇。1753年6月10日;就读于波士顿公立学校,并于1772年毕业于哈佛学院;学医并在革命军中担任外科医生;在波士顿重新开业;在1786年和1787年被派去镇压谢伊叛乱的探险队中,他是一名外科医生;1788-1794年州众议院议员;作为共和党人当选第七届和第八届国会议员(1801年3月4日- 1805年3月3日);1804年众议院任命的对美国新罕布什尔州地方法院法官约翰·皮克林(John Pickering)进行弹劾程序的管理者之一;1804年第九届国会议员竞选连任失败; appointed Secretary of War in the Cabinet of President Madison and served from 1807 to 1812; appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Netherlands and served from December 19, 1814, to May 5, 1818; elected to the Sixteenth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Edward Dowse; reelected to the Seventeenth Congress and served from August 21, 1820, to March 3, 1823; chairman, Committee on Military Affairs (Seventeenth Congress); did not seek renomination but was elected Governor of Massachusetts and served from May 31, 1823, until his death in Boston, Mass., February 6, 1825; interment in the Old Burying Ground, Lexington, Mass.
