
1748 - 1828
1789 - 1793

少,威廉一位来自乔治亚州的代表和参议员;1748年6月8日生于马里兰州巴尔的摩附近;1758年随父母搬到北卡罗来纳州奥兰治县;预备研究完成;学习法律;获得律师资格并在乔治亚州的奥古斯塔开始执业。, 1776年;1777、1779、1783、1793年州众议院议员;1777年和1778年担任国家执行委员会成员;1778年参加了征服东佛罗里达的远征;1778年,里士满郡法院首席法官和测量员; served as lieutenant colonel of the Richmond County Militia in 1779; Member of the Continental Congress 1780-1782 and 1786-1788; original trustee for establishing the University of Georgia in 1785; delegate to the convention which framed the Federal Constitution in 1787; delegate to the Georgia convention that ratified the Federal Constitution in 1788; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1793; unsuccessful candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1795; judge of the circuit court of Georgia 1794-1797; moved to New York City in 1799; member, State assembly 1802-1805; State prison inspector 1802-1810; United States Commissioner of Loans 1804; director of the Manhattan Bank 1804-1814, and president in 1814; served as alderman 1813-1814; died in Fishkill, N.Y., July 16, 1828; interment in Reformed Dutch Church Cemetery, Beacon, Dutchess County, N.Y.


