
1823 - 1894

威廉·亨利·福尼(彼得·福尼的孙子,丹尼尔·门罗·福尼的侄子),阿拉巴马州众议员;1823年11月9日出生于北卡罗来纳州林肯县林肯顿;从事古典文学研究,并于1844年毕业于塔斯卡卢萨的阿拉巴马大学;在与墨西哥的战争中,作为阿拉巴马志愿军第一团的中尉服役;学习法律;1848年获得律师资格,并开始在阿拉巴马州卡尔霍恩县的杰克逊维尔执业;1851-1860年担任阿拉巴马大学理事;1859年和1860年担任州众议院议员;内战期间,1861年以上尉的身份加入南方邦联军队,先后被晋升为少校、中校、上校和准将;在阿波马托克斯法院投降; member of the State senate in 1865 and 1866; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-fourth and to the eight succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1875-March 3, 1893); chairman, Committee on Expenditures in the Department of the Treasury (Forty-sixth Congress); was not a candidate for renomination in 1892; appointed by President Cleveland a member of the Gettysburg Battlefield Commission and served until his death in Jacksonville, Ala., January 16, 1894; interment in the City Cemetery.
