威廉Isham TRAEGER,国会,CA (1880 - 1935)


TRAEGER, William Isham, a Representative from California; born in Porterville, Tulare County, Calif., February 26, 1880; attended the grammar and high schools of Porterville; during the Spanish-American War served as a private in Company E, First Battalion, California Infantry, later known as Sixth Regiment, California Volunteer Infantry, and served from May 11 to December 15, 1898; was graduated from Stanford University in 1901; moved to Los Angeles in 1902 and engaged as athletic coach at Pomona College and later at the University of California; attended the law department of the University of Southern California at Los Angeles; deputy United States marshal 1903-1906; deputy sheriff of Los Angeles County 1907-1911; was admitted to the bar in 1909 and commenced the practice of law; deputy clerk of the California Supreme Court 1911-1921; sheriff of Los Angeles County 1921-1932; elected as a Republican to the Seventy-third Congress (March 4, 1933-January 3, 1935); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1934 to the Seventy-fourth Congress; died in Los Angeles, Calif., January 20, 1935; interment in Rosedale Cemetery.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present