
1723 - 1790

威廉·利文斯顿,新泽西州代表(菲利普·利文斯顿的兄弟,爱德华·利文斯顿和罗伯特·r·利文斯顿的堂兄);1723年11月30日生于纽约州奥尔巴尼;1741年从耶鲁大学毕业;学习法律;1748年获得律师资格并开始在纽约执业;1752年建立并编辑了《独立反射者》;1754年负责调整纽约和马萨诸塞之间的边界线,1764年负责调整纽约和新泽西之间的边界线;1759-1761年,利文斯顿庄园省议会议员;1772年迁往新泽西州伊丽莎白镇(今伊丽莎白);1774年7月23日至1776年6月22日,大陆会议成员; commissioned a brigadier general of the New Jersey Militia on October 28, 1775, and served until August 31, 1776, having been elected Governor; served consecutively as Governor of New Jersey from August 31, 1776, until his death; delegate to the Federal Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and one of the signers of the Constitution; died in Elizabeth, Union County, N.J., July 25, 1790; interment in the family vault in Trinity Churchyard, New York City; reinterred, 1846, in Brockholst Livingston vault, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.


