
1796 - 1862

彭宁顿,威廉(Alexander Cumming McWhorter Pennington的表弟),新泽西州众议员;1796年5月4日出生于新泽西州纽瓦克;完成预科课程;1813年毕业于普林斯顿学院;1815-1826年担任美国地方法院书记员;学习法律;1820年获得律师资格并在纽瓦克开始执业;1828年成为州议会成员;1834年担任警长;1837年至1843年任新泽西州州长; appointed Governor of Minnesota Territory by President Fillmore but declined to accept; elected as a Republican to the Thirty-sixth Congress (March 4, 1859-March 3, 1861); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Thirty-sixth Congress); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1860 to the Thirty-seventh Congress; died in Newark, N.J., February 16, 1862; interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
