威廉·鲁弗斯·德·文·金,国会,北卡罗莱纳(1776 -1853)

1786 - 1853
1819 - 1844;1848 - 1852

金、北卡罗来纳州众议员、阿拉巴马州参议员、美国副总统威廉·鲁弗斯·德瓦内;1786年4月7日生于北卡罗来纳州桑普森县;就读私立学校;1803年毕业于北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校;学习法律;1806年获得律师资格,并开始在北卡罗来纳州的克林顿执业;1807-1809年,下议院议员;北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿市律师,1810年;当选第十二、第十三和第十四届国会议员,任期从1811年3月4日一直到1816年11月4日辞职;先后在那不勒斯和圣彼得堡担任公使馆秘书; returned to the United States in 1818 and located in Cahaba, Ala.; planter; delegate to the convention which organized the State government; upon the admission of Alabama as a State into the Union in 1819 was elected as a Democratic Republican to the United States Senate; reelected as a Democratic Republican and as a Jacksonian in 1822, 1828, 1834, and 1841, and served from December 14, 1819, until April 15, 1844, when he resigned; served as President pro tempore of the Senate during the Twenty-fourth through Twenty-seventh Congresses; chairman, Committee on Public Lands (Twenty-second Congress), Committee on Commerce (Twenty-second, Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Congresses); Minister to France 1844-1846; appointed and subsequently elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Arthur P. Bagby and served from July 1, 1848, until his resignation on December 20, 1852, due to poor health; served as President pro tempore of the Senate during the Thirty-first and Thirty-second Congresses; chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations (Thirty-first Congress), Committee on Pensions (Thirty-first Congress); elected Vice President of the United States on the Democratic ticket with Franklin Pierce in 1852 and took the oath of office March 24, 1853, in Havana, Cuba, where he had gone for his health, which was a privilege extended by special act of Congress; returned to his plantation, “King’s Bend,” Alabama, and died there April 18, 1853; interment in a vault on his plantation; reinterment in Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, Dallas County, Ala.


美国国家传记美国传记词典;威廉·鲁弗斯·金:《南方温和派》。北卡罗莱纳大学博士论文,1955年;美国国会。纪念地址.第33届,第一届。, 1853年。华盛顿特区:阿姆斯特朗,1854年。
