
1737 - 1817

谢泼德,威廉马萨诸塞州众议员;出生于马萨诸塞州韦斯特菲尔德。1737年12月1日;就读于普通学校;从事农业活动的;在法国和印度战争中服役6年;1774年韦斯特菲尔德通信委员会成员;1775年4月任民兵中校;1775年5月以中校身份进入大陆军;1776年10月6日被任命为马萨诸塞第四团上校,并在整个独立战争期间服役;1785年和1786年担任州众议院议员; selectman for Westfield, Mass., 1784-1787; chosen major general of the Fourth Division, Massachusetts Militia, in 1786 and defended Springfield Arsenal during Shaysâ Rebellion; member of the Governorâs council of Massachusetts 1792-1796; appointed in 1796 to treat with the Penobscot Indians and in 1797 with the Six Nations; elected as a Federalist to the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Congresses (March 4, 1797-March 3, 1803); resumed his agricultural pursuits; died in Westfield, Mass., November 16, 1817; interment in the Mechanic Street Cemetery.
