
1861 - 1928

威廉·托马斯·布兰德(约翰·乔治·杰克逊的孙子,詹姆斯·门罗·杰克逊的表弟),密苏里州众议员;1861年1月21日出生于弗吉尼亚州刘易斯县(今西弗吉尼亚州)的韦斯顿;1883年毕业于摩根敦的西弗吉尼亚大学并于1884年毕业于该大学的法律系;1885年,他在夏洛茨维尔的弗吉尼亚大学修读了一门特殊的法律课程;获得律师资格,并在西弗吉尼亚州的韦斯顿开始执业;搬到了堪萨斯州的艾奇逊。1887年;堪萨斯州艾奇逊县检察官。, 1890 - 1892;1894年艾奇逊市长;1896年当选为堪萨斯第二地区的法官;1900年再次当选,直到1901年辞职; entered the wholesale drug business in 1901; moved to Kansas City, Mo., in 1904 and continued in business until 1917 when he engaged in banking; chairman of the Kansas City River and Harbor Improvement Commission 1909-1918; director of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress; vice president of the Mississippi Valley Waterway Association; elected to the Kansas City Board of Education in 1912 for a six-year term and served as vice president and president; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-sixth Congress (March 4, 1919-March 3, 1921); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1920 to the Sixty-seventh Congress, moved to Florida and settled in Orlando in 1921; engaged in banking; served as a member of the Orlando Utilities Commission for three years; died in Orlando, Orange County, Fla., January 15, 1928; interment in Greenwood Cemetery.
