
迈克尔·维克是2007年因非法斗狗而入狱的NFL四分卫。作为一名杰出的运动员,维克在弗吉尼亚州纽波特纽斯的高中踢足球时开始吸引球探。他在弗吉尼亚理工大学担任了两个赛季的四分卫,并带领球队参加了2000年的碗冠军系列赛。理工大学以46比29输给了佛罗里达州立大学,但这场比赛证实了维克令人眼花缭乱的天赋,使他成为职业球员的热门人选。2001年,亚特兰大猎鹰队(Atlanta Falcons)让他成为NFL选秀状元;这是第一次有非洲裔四分卫被选中。维克在2001年打得很少,但在2002年、2004年和2005年参加了职业碗。维克强壮的手臂,快速的脚步和出色的即兴技巧使他成为观众的最爱,也是NFL最受欢迎的球员之一。2005年,他在所有NFL四分卫的冲刺码(597码)和得分(6分)中领先,带领猎鹰队进入NFC冠军赛,距离超级碗只有一站之遥。2004年,他与猎鹰队签订了一份10年的合同,价值1.3亿美元的工资和奖金。 Vick's career took a dive in 2007 after police investigating a dogfighting ring found 30 dogs and evidence of dogfights at a Virginia home owned by Vick. Initially he said he wasn't involved, but after his associates agreed to testify against him, he announced he would plead guilty. In December of 2007 Vick was sentenced to 23 months in jail for financing a dog-fighting operation (Vick called it Bad Newz Kennels) and for helping to kill underachieving pit bulls. After Vick announced his intention to plead guilty, the NFL suspended him without pay indefinitely. He was released from jail on 20 May 2009, released from home confinement on 20 July 2009, and then received a conditional okay to rejoin the NFL. The next month he signed to play with the Philadelphia Eagles during the 2009 season, and by the end of 2009 he had signed on to a cable television series,迈克尔·维克计划

维克穿7号制服?他用左手投球,其他时候却用右手?2005年,一名妇女对维克提起诉讼,指控他在2003年将一种性传播疾病传染给了她。一年后,此案庭外和解。在提交给法院的文件中,这名女子声称维克有时会使用化名“罗恩·墨西哥”。这个名字后来成为球迷们模仿7号球衣的热门选择。维克?她的弟弟马库斯(Marcus)在2005年因违反体育道德的行为被弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)开除;他在NFL打过一场比赛吗2007年被球队裁掉? In January of 2007, a water bottle with a secret compartment was confiscated from Michael Vick at Miami International Airport; the compartment reportedly contained a substance described by police as ?closely associated with marijuana,? but police declined to charge Vick with a crime? Vick spent three seasons at Virginia Tech (1998-2000) but was a ?redshirt? his first season and did not play.

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