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239 results found


(Encyclopedia)Augustus ôgs´ts, gs´– [key], 63 BC–AD 14, first Roman emperor, a grandson of the sister of Julius Caesar. Named at first Caius Octavius, he became on adoption by the Julian gens (44 BC)...

Frederick Augustus I

(Encyclopedia)Frederick Augustus I, 1750–1827, king (1806–27) and elector (1763–1806) of Saxony, grand duke of Warsaw (1807–14). He sided with the allies in the French Revolutionary Wars and joined Prussia ...

Frederick Augustus I

(Encyclopedia)Frederick Augustus I, elector of Saxony: see Augustus II, king of Poland.

Augustus II

(Encyclopedia)Augustus II, 1670–1733, king of Poland (1697–1733) and, as Frederick Augustus I, elector of Saxony (1694–1733). He commanded the imperial army against the Turks (1695–96), but had no success a...

Augustus III

(Encyclopedia)奥古斯都三世,1696 - 1763年,波兰国王(1735 - 63)and, as Frederick Augustus II, elector of Saxony (1733–63); son of Augustus II, whom he succeeded in Saxony. Elected king of Poland by a minorit...

Lukeman, Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Lukeman, Augustus (Henry Augustus Lukeman), 1871–1935, American sculptor, b. Richmond, Va., studied at the National Academy of Design, New York City, and the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Among his ...

Charles Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Charles Augustus, 1757–1828, duke and, after 1815, grand duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach; friend and patron of Goethe, Schiller, and Herder. Though his duchy was small, he was important in German polit...

Ernest Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Ernest Augustus, 1771–1851, king of Hanover (1837–51) and duke of Cumberland, fifth son of George III of England. At the accession of his niece Queen Victoria, the crowns of England and Hanover we...

Philip Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Philip Augustus: see Philip II, king of France.

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