Columbia Encyclopedia

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46 results found


(Encyclopedia)Kosovo kôˈsôvô, Albanian Kosova, Serbian Kosovo i Metohija and Kosmet, officially Republic of Kosovo, republic (2015 est. pop. 1,871,000), 4,126 sq mi (10,686 sq km), SE Europe, a former province ...

Kosovo Field

(Encyclopedia)Kosovo Field kôˈsôvô [key], Serbian Kosovo Polje [field of the black birds], WSW of Priština, Kosovo, site of a battle in which the Turks under Sultan Murad I defeated Serbia and its Bosnian, Mon...

Thaçi, Hashim

(Encyclopedia)Thaçi, Hashim häshēmˈ thäˈchē [key], 1968–, Kosovar political leader. An ethnic Albanian, he studied history and politics at Priština Univ., becoming active in Kosovo's independence movement...

Rugova, Ibrahim

(Encyclopedia)Rugova, Ibrahim ēbrähēmˈ ro͞ogōˈvā [key] 1944–2006, ethnic Albanian leader in Kosovo. A scholar and author, he studied at Kosovo's Priština Univ. and the Sorbonne, Paris, and became preside...


(Encyclopedia)Prishtinë, Prishtina, or Priština prēˈshtĭnä [key], city (2011 pop. 198,214), E central Kosovo, the capital and largest city of Kosovo. Prishtinë is a commercial center with diverse industries...


(Encyclopedia)Kossovo: see Kosovo.


(Encyclopedia)Prizren prēzˈrĕn [key], city (2011 pop. 178,112), SW Kosovo. It is a commercial center with industries that produce textiles, wood products, and filigree silver jewelry. Prizren is the seat of a Ro...


(Encyclopedia)Pejë, Peja pĕch [key], town (2011 pop. 95,723), W Kosovo. A trade center, it has industries that produce leather goods, foodstuffs, and handicrafts. Stephen Dušan in 1346 made the town the seat of...


(Encyclopedia)Priština, Kosovo: see Prishtinë. ...


(Encyclopedia)Peć, Kosovo: see Pejë.

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