Columbia Encyclopedia

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130 results found

Puerto Rico

(Encyclopedia)Puerto Rico pwr´t r´k [key], island (2015 est. pop. 3,674,000), 3,508 sq mi (9,086 sq km), West Indies, c.1,000 mi (1,610 km) SE of Miami, Fla. Officially known as the Commonwealth of Puerto...

Porto Rico

(Encyclopedia)Porto Rico: see Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico, University of

(Encyclopedia)Puerto Rico, University of, main campus at Río Piedras, near San Juan; land-grant and commonwealth; coeducational; founded 1903 as successor to a normal school. The Río Piedras campus has faculties ...

Muñoz Rivera, Luis

(Encyclopedia)Muñoz Rivera, Luis lws moonys´ rv´rä [key], 1859–1916, Puerto Rican journalist and nationalist. He founded La Democracia, a newspaper later edited by his son Luis Muñoz Marín. A lead...


(Encyclopedia)Ponce pn´s [key], city (1990 pop. 187,749), S Puerto Rico. One of Puerto Rico's largest cities, it is the island's chief Caribbean port. Ponce is also an agricultural trade and distribution cente...

Río Piedras

(Encyclopedia)Río Piedras r´oo py´räs [key], suburb of San Juan, Puerto Rico, with which it was merged in 1951. It is an industrial and agricultural trading center. The main campus of the Univ. of Puer...

Muñoz Marín, Luis

(Encyclopedia)Muñoz Marín, Luis loos´ moonys´ märn´ [key], 1898–1980, Puerto Rican political leader, governor of Puerto Rico (1949–65). He abandoned a career as poet and journalist in New York C...


(Encyclopedia)Caguas kä´gwäs, kä´wäs [key], city (1990 pop. 133,447), E central Puerto Rico. Largest of Puerto Rico's inland cities, Caguas is an industrial center. Sugar is refined there, and the varied manu...


(Encyclopedia)Cayey k´ [key], town (1990 pop. 46,553), SE Puerto Rico, in the Sierra de Cayey Mts. It is a sugar, tobacco, and poultry center and a summer resort. Cigars and clothing are manufactured. Founded ...

San Juan

(Encyclopedia)圣胡安,城市(1990年流行。437745)、资本、大st city, chief port, and commercial and cultural center of Puerto Rico, NE Puerto Rico. Coffee, tobacco, sugar, and fruit are exported from the busy p...

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