Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Trinidad and Tobago

(Encyclopedia)Trinidad and Tobago trn´dd, tb´g [key], officially Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, republic (2015 est. pop. 1,222,000), 1,980 sq mi (5,129 sq km), West Indies. The capital is Port of Sp...


(Encyclopedia)Tobago: see Trinidad and Tobago.


(Encyclopedia)Trinidad trnä´ [key], town (1983 est. pop. 43,500), Sancti Spíritus prov., central Cuba. Tobacco processing is the chief industry, although other agricultural processing has been develope...

San Fernando

(Encyclopedia)San Fernando sn frnn´d [key], city (1990 pop. 30,092), Trinidad and Tobago, on the Gulf of Paria. It is the country's second largest city and a commercial center for S Trinidad. ...

Persad-Bissessar, Kamla

(Encyclopedia)Persad-Bissessar, Kamla, 1952—, Trinidadian political leader. A lawyer of South Asian descent and a member of the United National Congress (UNC), she was appointed to Trinidad and Tobago's senate in...

Williams, Eric

(Encyclopedia)Williams, Eric, 1911–81, prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago (1961–81). He attended Oxford and taught at Howard Univ. in Washington, D.C. (1939–53). Returning to Trinidad, he founded (1955) th...

West Indies Federation

(Encyclopedia)West Indies Federation, former federation of 10 British West Indian territories formed in 1958. Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados were the principal members, but the federation included most ...

Pitch Lake

(Encyclopedia)Pitch Lake, pool of pitch (asphalt), c.114 acres (46 hectares), SW Trinidad island, Trinidad and Tobago, near La Brea. The lake is believed to be formed and supplied by the seepage of natural pitch, a...

Port of Spain

(Encyclopedia)Port of Spain, city (1990 pop. 50,878), capital of Trinidad and Tobago, on the Gulf of Paria. It is the industrial and commercial center of the country. From 1958 to 1962, Port of Spain was the capita...

Manning, Patrick Augustus Mervyn

(Encyclopedia)Manning, Patrick Augustus Mervyn, 1946–2016, Trinidadian political leader, prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago (1991–95, 2001–10). He entered politics in the 1960s while studying geology at th...

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