
Mayor:Kasim Reed (to Jan. 2018)

2010 census population (rank):420,003 (40);Male:208,968 (49.8%);Female:211,035 (50.2%);White:161,115 (38.4%);Black:226,894 (54.0%);American Indian and Alaska Native:988 (0.2%);Asian:13,188 (3.1%);Other race:9,317 (3.0%);Two or more races:8,369 (2.0%);Hispanic/Latino:21,815 (5.2%).2010 population 18 and over:338,593;65 and over:41,339 (9.8%);Median age:31.9.

2014 population estimate (rank):456,002 (39)

Seeadditional census data

Land area:132 sq mi. (341 sq km);

Alt.:Highest, 1,050 ft.; lowest, 940 ft.

Avg. daily temp.:Jan., 41.0° F; July, 78.8° F


City-owned parks:277 (3,178 ac.);

Radio stations:AM, 7; FM, 20;

电视台:8 commercial; 2 PBS

Civilian Labor Force (2013):236,288;

Percent unemployed (2013):11.3;

Per capita personal income (2013):$36,257

Chamber of Commerce:Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 235 Andrew Young International Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30303

Atlanta, the largest city and capital ofGeorgia, is the seat of Fulton County. It is situated in the northwest part of the state at the base of theBlue Ridge Mountainsnear theChattahoochee River. The first European settler was Hardy Ivy, who built a cabin there in 1833.

Founded as Terminus in 1837, the town served as the end of the Georgia railroad line (Western and Atlantic Railroad) and later became incorporated as Marthasville in 1843 in honor of ex-governor Lumpkin's daughter Martha. It was renamed Atlanta in 1845 and incorporated as a city in 1847. The name was suggested by the railroad's chief engineer, J. Edgar Thomson, and was derived from its location at the end of the Georgia and Atlantic railroad line. The city became the capital of Georgia in 1868.

During theCivil War, the city was burned and almost completely destroyed while occupied by Gen.William T. Sherman's troops in Nov. 1864. It was rebuilt after the war and grew rapidly due to the expansion of the railroads in the southwest.

Today, Atlanta is the major commercial and transportation hub of the southeast United States, and its international airport is one of the busiest in the world. The city's economy is led by the service, communications, retail trade, manufacturing, finance, and insurance industries. The convention business is also important, and Atlanta is home to many major corporations, including Coca-Cola, which was founded there in 1892.

Atlanta is also a major educational center, with many prestigious universities and colleges, includingEmory University(1836),Georgia Institute of Technology(1885), and Georgia State University (1913).Morehouse College(1867),Spelman College(1881), and Clark Atlanta University (1865; 1869) are important historically black colleges.

Major attractions includeMartin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site, Grant Park, and theCarterPresidential Center. The1996 Summer Olympicswere held in Atlanta.

See alsoEncyclopedia:Atlanta.

Selected famous natives and residents:

See also: