Baltimore, Md.

Mayor:Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (to 2016)

2010 census population (rank):620,961 (21);Male:292,249 (46.6%);Female:328,712 (52.9%);White:183,830 (29.6%);Black:395781例(63.7%);American Indian and Alaska Native:2,270 (0.4%);Asian:14,548 (2.3%);Other race:11,303 (1.9%);Two or more races:12,955 (2.1%);Hispanic/Latino:25,960 (4.2%).2010 population 18 and over:487,401;65 and over:72,812 (11.7%);Median age:36.0.

2014 population estimate (rank):622,793 (26)

Seeadditional census data

Land area:77 sq mi. (199 sq km);

Alt.:Highest, 490 ft.; lowest, sea level

Avg. daily temp.:Jan., 31.8° F; July, 77.0° F

Churches:Roman Catholic, 72; Jewish, 50; Protestant and others, 344;

City-owned parks:347 park areas and tracts (6,314 ac.);

Radio stations:AM, 10; FM, 11;


Civilian Labor Force (2013):309,787;

Percent unemployed: (2013)11.1%,

Per capita personal income 2013:$26,159

Chamber of Commerce:Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce, 312 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21201

Baltimore, the largest city inMaryland, is situated in the northern part of the state on thePatapsco Riverestuary, an arm ofChesapeake Bay. The city is independent and does not fall within any county.

The site was settled in the early 17th century and founded as a town in 1729. The town was named afterLord Baltimore, the founder of Maryland, and was incorporated as a city in 1797. It has an excellent harbor and has been a principal port since the 18th century. Baltimore was a pioneer shipbuilding center, and the Baltimore clipper was used extensively in world trade.

The city has been greatly affected by the nation's wars. During theWar of 1812, the British bombarded nearbyFort McHenry, inspiringFrancis Scott Keyto write theStar-Spangled Banner.And although Maryland never seceded from the Union, Baltimore was occupied by Union troops throughout teCivil War. The city was also an important shipbuilding and supply center during the World Wars.

Baltimore's economy is very diverse, with strong financial, legal, and nonprofit service industries. The city also leads in scientific research and development through two highly acclaimed medical institutions,Johns HopkinsHospital and University of Maryland Hospital. There is also a significant tourist sector. Major attractions include the the National Aquarium, Harborplace, the Maryland Science Center, the Babe Ruth Museum, Fort McHenry National Monument, and Pimlico Race Course, site of the Preakness.

See alsoEncyclopedia:Baltimore.

Selected famous natives and residents: