印第安纳州polis, Ind.

Mayor:Greg Ballard (to Dec. 2015)

2010 census population (rank):820,445 (12);Male:396,346 (48.3%);Female:424,099 (51.7%);White:507,005 (61.8%);Black:225,355 (27.5%);American Indian and Alaska Native:2,611 (0.3%);Asian:17,236 (2.1%);Other race:44,789 (4.9%);Two or more races:23,065 (2.8%);Hispanic/Latino:77,352 (9.4%).2010 population 18 and over:615,590;65 and over:86,036 (10.5%);Median age:34.

2013 population estimate (rank):843,393 (12)

Seeadditional census data

Land area:366 sq mi. (948 sq km);

Alt.:Highest, 840 ft.; lowest, 700 ft.

Avg. daily temp.:Jan., 25.5° F; July, 75.4° F


City-owned parks:172 (10,174 ac.);

Radio stations2:AM, 8; FM, 17;

Television stations1:7

Civilian Labor Force 2013:441,881;

Unemployed (2013):7.2%;

Per capita personal income 2013:$24,332

Chamber of Commerce:Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, 111 Monument Circle, Ste. 1950, Indianapolis, IN 46204

1. Marion County.
2. Metropolitan area.

印第安纳州polis, the largest city in印第安纳州and seat of Marion County, is located in the central part of the state on the West Fork of the White River. Its name derives from combining âIndianaâ with âpolis,â the Greek word for city.

印第安纳州polis was settled in 1820, and five years later it was chosen as the state capital. It was incorporated as a city in 1832 and reincorporated in 1838. The city's growth began when the railroad reached it in 1847. Toward the end of the 19th century, the discovery of nearby natural gas and the start of the automobile industry hastened its industrial expansion. In 1970, Indianapolis merged with surrounding Marion County.

印第安纳州polis is at the center of a rich agricultural region and is a major grain and livestock market. It is also a focal point of commerce, transportation, and manufacturing for the region. Some leading industries are electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food processing. The financial sector and service and insurance industries are growing rapidly.

印第安纳州polis is the site of the world-famous500-mile automobile raceand the Indiana State Fair.

See alsoEncyclopedia:印第安纳州polis.

Selected famous nativs and residents:

  • Monte Blueactor;
  • David LettermanTV host;
  • Steve McQueenactor;
  • Jane PauleyTV newscaster;
  • Booth Tarkingtonauthor;
  • Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.author;
  • Harry Von Zellannouncer;
  • Clifton Webbactor.

See also: